Cooperative innovation, the pursuit of excellence

High Pressure Roller Mill-Series PGM

  • Single Driving High Pressure Roller Mill – Series PGM

    Single Driving High Pressure Roller Mill - Series PGM

    Application: Iyo Single Driving High Pressure Roller Mill - Series PGM yakanyatsogadzirirwa kufanogaya simende clinkers, the mineral marara, simbi clinkers uye zvichingodaro kuita madiki granules, kuti apedze-kupwanya zvicherwa zvesimbi (iron ores, manganese ores, mhangura. ores, lead-zinc ores, vanadium ores nemamwe) uye kukuya zvicherwa zvisiri zvesimbi (marasha gangues, feldspar, nepheline, dolomite, limestone, quartz, nezvimwewo) muupfu.